Logo Design
Visual Identity
Webdesign (UX/UI)
Dev. web app: bebold
The SPBMC (Société du Port et des Bains de Moratel in Cully) is a non-profit association whose objective is to operate and maintain two ports, a beach, a campsite and a restaurant.
How to represent the SPBMC site when it is used and perceived differently by each of its users. Knowing that the visual identity of the association should represent everyone.
To highlight the plurality and diversity of the port's activities through the creation of a logo accompanied by a set of symbols with a clean design. This was done so that each user could find their favorite activities and their own vision of the port. Each symbol represents a different aspect of the place so that everyone can identify with it. Like the activities of the port, the symbols are intended to evolve, and other icons can easily be created in the future. Discover also the custom-created web app here:
Tout de la serendipité sauf le hasard dans cette agence professionnelle choisie pour la création de notre site web! Mme Perey sait être attentive, inventive et créative pour nous proposer ses idées judicieuses et de bons concepts tant pour l'image et le contenu d'un nouveau site web fait sur mesure. Tout s'est fait naturellement, dans la confiance et la bonne humeur.